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Verlauf Slideshow "Nurture the tried-and-true while remaining open to the future." Verlauf Slideshow "Nurture the tried-and-true while remaining open to the future." Verlauf Slideshow "Nurture the tried-and-true while remaining open to the future." Verlauf Slideshow "Nurture the tried-and-true while remaining open to the future." Verlauf Slideshow "Nurture the tried-and-true while remaining open to the future."
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Wirtshaus Zum Kaswurm

A History of Hospitality

Our ca. 470-year-old Unterfarnwang Farm stands on the Römerstraße between Altenmarkt and Radstadt. In 1921, our grandfather Johann Kaswurm-Hofstätter bought the Unterfarnwang Farm from veterinarian Franz Wagenbichler for his son Rupert, who was born on 7 November 1921. The farm was run as a tenant farm of the Lärchenhof in Radstadt.


On 23 November 1951, Rupert Kaswurm married Ursula Schober from the Oberfarnwanghof Farm. Together with their five children, they ran the farm full-time. In 1960, they began to rent out rooms and sell products on a small scale, including eggs, bacon, milk, meat etc., directly to guests.


On 1 May 1994, eldest son Rupert and his wife Christine-Maria Kaswurm (née Bernhofer) took over the parents’ property and, together with their three daughters Christine, Elisabeth and Anna, added over time an inn as well as a farm shop and direct-marketing business.


Today’s farm features over 17 ha of grazing area for their own cows (Pinzgau Beef) and is run according to organic principles. Using regional resources is one of our top priorities. Our primary focus is raising and direct-marketing Pinzgau beef. We are pleased and proud to have received official recognition in the form of “Salzburger GenussWirt 2009” as well as “Salzburger GenussBauernhof 2013“.

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